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Rickety and Rackety Play with Fire

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Rickety and Rackety are setting fires in an abandoned house, and it’s up to you to keep them from burning the place down.

Do you know how to put out a grease fire? What do you do when your parents smell smoke and you don’t want them to see you playing with fire?

This book requires you to make choices that change the story. Each of its four endings will teach you something different about how to stop a fire.

Are you ready to keep two talking raccoons destroying the neighborhood?


We worked with a firefighter with twenty years of experience putting out house fires to plot the Rickety and Rackety books. They cover the most common accidents he has seen children have with fire.

This book covers the following topics:

– Not putting water on a grease fire
– How to smother a fire
– Not trying to hide fires from adults
– What to do when your clothing catches on fire

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